What started as a plan for as a Kayak tournament quickly turned into a boat tournament as well. Here is the story behind that.
How It Started

I had been contemplating the thought of having our very own tournament for about a good year. Attending and participating in several tournaments I have seen what people go through in order to host a successful tournament. We currently promote the Fishing For Hope and API Tournaments to name a few. The time and effort put into these tournaments can drive a person crazy!

I knew we would encounter different situations being that this was our first shot at this and it can either make you or break you. Thankfully we were able to manage smoothly with out the help of anyone by our side that had hosted a tournament. Our company is made up of a great group of guys and gals that will not hesitate to extend a hand when it comes to our events. As some of you may know we host a yearly event in November called Feeding The Needy where we have fed hundreds of people in the Rio Grande Valley over the past 6 years with the help of our friends and family. So to that I say thank you to all my friends and family.

Late nights and meetings with Fernando, one of the guys and rules coordinator for the tournament, we decided that after speaking with several fishing guides that we would make this tournament slightly different. So of course the comments would start flying over social media on the “why and why not” questions. As we simply explained the reasons behind the conservation methods, the answer was simple. You can choose to enter or not enter the tournament. We met again several times with the rest of the crew to make sure we didn’t leave out any details once at Woodreaux’s Bar & Grill, our ranch, Andrew’s house and Starbucks.
Location Lobo Del Mar Cafe

Locking in the place was no easy task. South Padre Island, is home to some beautiful restaurants and locations to host tournaments. After good research we decided Lobo Del Mar was our best choice. We would like to thank Jaime Hayashi and his staff for their support and for welcoming us to their home.
The Captains Meeting
Friday came along and we head to South Padre Island. Most of the team was running behind schedule but we managed to get in on time. Well, kind of haha. I had to push the time over from 6pm to 6:30pm. Then I get the call, “Pete, how far are you? This place is packed!” So that got me a little nervous and excited at the same time. We get there to a full house and about 15 teams ready to sign. The night turned out great as the music played on and awaited tournament day.

Tournament Day
The day has arrived and all the paperwork is done. We set up the area for the weigh in and wait for the boats. We were so nervous about the weather being that February had been a crazy month as far as weather but we could not have asked for a better day. Something I wanted to share with you all is that the winds were looking pretty rough for our kayak division. Thursday night went into 3 a.m. sorting out the paperwork when I prayed and asked for safe weather for the anglers. When I woke up the next day the winds were dying down according to the forecast! The boats arrived safely to weigh in their fish. Winners are selected and the ceremonies started after everyone had received their meal as it was included in the entry.

Looking Ahead

We quickly started planning on how we can be better next year God willing we have our 2nd Annual. We incorporated the champagne bottle for the grand champion winner to make it like the Nascar winners that pop the battle in celebration. It was a hit! Everyone was talking about how that was different and cool. More exciting things are in store for our future and we want you to be a part of it!

We are grateful to have the support of our awesome sponsors Fat Cat Boats, Texas Pain Clinic, Law Office Of Rudy Rodriguez who were our title sponsors. Dargel boats with their support as well as RGV Fire, C & D Insurance. All the local tackle shops provided a tremendous amount of support. Full Stringer Tackle. The Tackle Box, Hook Line & Sinker 7 Brownsville Bait & Tackle.
Thank You

We would like to thank all of the teams and kayaks that registered. The volunteers, Thank You. Can’t wait for next year!

See you all next year for 2nd Annual Pesca Tournament! For a video of the tournament check out our Facebook page here RPP Outdoor Apparel/Magazine.