Adventures With The Gar Hunters
On this day, we hear about the lockdown and curphew being uplifted. As excited as we are to go fishing we also hear about a thunderstorm coming our way. We check the radar and weather notes to get more details. From what we see it will be really late / early morning when it hits our area. We decided to go through with our plans. Wether we hit or didn’t, we just wanted to get on the water and wet our lines. So I get some bait, get the rigs ready, and in that same moment we are loading up. Our buddy Adrian gives Jr a call. Knowing us all too well, he asks if we are going fishing since there was no more curphew. So of course he tells him, ” We are getting ready right now, if you want to come with us you are more than welcome.” Also adding, ” We are taking our 12ft Jon Boat, if you have one bring it along, we’re going for monsters tonight!” Jr telling him about the storm, and how it could be a hit or miss. Without a doubt Adrian was still down to go and was bringing along Jr’s cousin Joshua. Adrian had a 10ft Flat Bottom Jon Boat, big enough for the two of them. We met at our house and headed out.
About 30 minutes of driving, arriving to our spot. We unload the jon boats, and start putting all our gear and safety gear into the boat. Soon as we get closer to water we notice the wind picked up a bit. It went from 12 mph winds to about 16 mph winds. Jr turns and asks Adrian and Joshua if they we’re still wanting to go out. Joshua real quick responds, “I’m down, we are already here, if it gets ugly we’ll leave.” So then Adrian decides to stay and try it for a bit.
Off we go into the water in our Jon Boats. Paddling our way to the area we like to fish in hopes we can catch our Gar before the storm hits. The winds started to pick up just a bit more as we got further out. As to be expected. Joshua and Adrian who were paddling on the left of us, decides they are going to fish a little behind us. This we understood because he has a flat bottom and waves were hitting them harder than they were us. We had a V Haul and were able cut through the waves better than they could. So we decided to paddle 10 minutes from their casting distance. Cut up our bloody baits, put the chunks of carp on our size 4 Mustad Treble Hook, threw out all 7 of our rods one at a time surrounding the Jon Boat.
Ahh, this is the life. Time to let the lines sit with that bloody bait and wait for those monsters to come to us. Looking at the clouded, starry sky above us. Jr and I start talking about the storm coming. About 35 minutes of being on the water. We hear one of the reels scream! It’s Jr’s Palo Rod, Tirando Palo Duro ( The Gar Hunter rod) paired with an avet mxl. The sound of that clicker gets you excited and your adrenaline starts. He lets it run about 3 minutes and sets the hook. Bringing it straight in from the back right side of the boat giving him a good little fight. At the same time the fish is almost close to the boat, my reel start screming! I realize my line is in front of the boat! I casted this line to the right side of the boat. Which means it traveled all the way to the front. I immediately grabbed it let it run about 2 minutes and set the hook hard! Soon as I did, that fish pulled back even harder. Pulled me down to my knees. With the choppy waves and the strength of that fish. Made it hard for me to keep a balance. At that same instant, Jr had already grabbed his gar by hand, put it in the boat, and rushed to help me.

Let me tell you. I could not bring that sucker up for the life of me! I was using a 7ft. Penn Rampage paired with a Penn Fierce 8000, 100 lb Spider Wire, and I was literally sitting! on my rod pulling it upwards trying to get it out the water! It was so heavy! I thought it was at least 6’4! This fish was trying to stick to the bottom and I couldn’t allow that. If I did it would get stuck in the trees underwater and I’d loose it. After this type of fight, I was not losing this fish. Finally, after about 12 minutes of fighting this fish it finally gives in, I’m able to pull it to the surface and we finally see what and how big this fish really is. It’s an Alligator Gar! And it was biig! Took both of us to finally bring it in the boat. Woo! What a fight! This gar was nice and healthy. I was Soo excited to share the news and release her.
Now that we have both Gars in the boat. Since we were both hooked on a Gar at the same time. I finally get to see his. It was a healthy Gar, smaller than mine. “Well, we got our limit and in less than an hour! Woo!” I shouted with excitement. Giving each other high fives. Joe calls Adrian and Joshua see how they were doing. Lets them know we have our limit and are on our way in. Happy for us and bummed at the same time, Adrian tells us they had not been able to hook one yet. So Jr tells him over the phone, ” If you want, while we will do our release you can take our Jon boat to try and get your limit before the storm.” “We don’t mind”, he added. Adrian and Joshua both decide to go ahead and give it a shot.

We all start paddling our way to the entrance. Pulling up to them they see the gars alive and well. They are stoked when they see one as big as mine. Everyone of us with the look of excitement smiling from cheek to cheek. We decided to take a photo shoot before they head out and we release the bigger Gar since she was still alive and well. CPR the Big Gar! Is our motto! The smaller one didn’t make it after the photoshoot. We realize it was hooked in the air gills and would not survive a release. So we had to harvest it.
After we get done with our little photo shoot and release. We notice the winds picked up from 16mph to 40mph in seconds. Looking at the sky I notice it’s very dark. You can just see the really dark cloud of rain or coming. Jr tells the guys, ” Time for us to leave.” both Joshua and Adrian looking at us, were just about to say the same thing. With winds like that, V Haul or not it’s too dangerous, we would never allow a friend to go out on the water in weather like that.

Before it starts to thunder and rain really hard, we start loading up. We get to our trucks start saying our byes, til next time, be safe type of thing. I added, ” I’m sorry guys, we didn’t have enough time for full 4 man limit.” Adrian responds, ” It’s ok, at least we were able to get out and someone caught something before the storm.” We all agreed at the same time saying, ” Yeah true.” And shouting, ” No skunk zone for us!” We all start laughing, and it starts to rain.! “Alright guys now for sure it’s time to go!” Jr shouts over the hard winds. We get in our trucks and drive off. At first the rain was really light. Then not even a minute after leaving the area it started pouring! Like little rocks hitting your windshield. Jr, all happy, says to me, ” We got out the water just in time, and, we caught our limit.” I replied, ” Yup! Another one for the books. I had fun and, I caught the bigger fish! Woo!”
I just love our last minute crazy trips like this! I will say this though, please don’t try this without a professional. We have been doing this for over 16 years. We always have to stay aware and prepared. Make sure to have all your safety gear in your boats at all times. Always stay safe.
I hope you enjoyed this read. Follow us on our Facebook page and join our group The Gar Hunters! Feel free to share your catches and stories. If you need any advice feel free to message us. Tight lines and bloody baits! Hunt Drink Fish! Support Local Businesses! Visit RPP Outdoor Apparel at our SHOP NOW button on top!.
This Episode Of The Gar Hunters Adventures is brought to you by The Law Office Of Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez.