It’s that time of the year again! The Pesca Tournament by RPP Outdoors returns to South Padre Island, TX! Last year we had a great time fishing and watching everyone feel the excitement as they weighed in their catch. Lobo Del Mar Restaurant will be our host again for the 2nd Annual. We love the hospitality and ambience that Lobo Del Mar gives its customer and look forward to being a part of that again this year.

With several ways to win, it makes the tournament interesting. The divisions will be similar to last years with the red fish, trout, and a grand champion division where a team can weigh in 3 different fish to qualify. For the grand champion division a team must weigh in a red fish, a trout, and a flounder of legal sizes. The Pesca Tournament enforces all Texas Parks and Wildlife rules. It is important that everyone that participates have their current fishing license. This is a way to ensure all rules are followed and everyone has a fair and fun time at the tournament.

Everyone in this world has experienced this horrible pandemic. We would like to wish the utmost safety to all our family and friends therefore all CDC guidelines will be in play at the location of the tournament. Please stay tuned here or on our social media pages for any important updates.

The rules for the tournament are available for you here and on our Facebook page under our events. A captains meeting is normally done the Friday before which is still to be determined if it will take place in person. The meeting will be streamed live Friday evening on our Youtube and Facebook channels for those who would like to attend. We are ensuring the safety of all anglers and their families and the process as smooth and as safe as possible to enjoy a great day of fishing and a successful tournament.

Our event is made possible by our amazing sponsors and the people behind them. We greatly appreciate your participation in our Pesca Tournament and hope that you have a great time fishing and enjoy the event.

Texas Pain Clinic is your place if you have any joint or back pain. Dr. Saenz and his staff are specially trained in pain medicine for all your needs. They accept all insurances and motor vehicle accidents. With locations in Brownsville, Weslaco, and McAllen they are always available to see you. We know it is hard to live with pain so call their office or contact them here or on facebook to get you back to your daily activities and fish on!

Southern Trenchless Solutions specializes in the rehabilitation of underground infrastructure for municipalities across the Lone Star State. You can reach them here.

Get ready to have some cold drinks and keep them cold with koozies provided by our sponsor Bermea’s Volksland from Pharr, TX. Forget paying dealership prices for your Volkswagen and Audi needs your shop is right here! Nobody has more experience than Volksland and rest assured you and your vehicle are in good hands here. Das Auto. Call them at 956-787-1142 or follow on Facebook.
Rule for the tournament are as follows. Please feel free to call us at 956-513-0373 or email us at Follow us on Facebook.
2nd Annual Pesca Tournament
PG(956) 513-0373
March 6, 2021 FP (956) 460-1929
Boat registration Fee: $350 (late fee $400) Location: Lobo Del Mar Café
Captura side pot : $50 204 Palm St, South Padre Island, Tx 78597
- All participants must have a valid/current fishing license from Texas Parks and Wildlife in order to fish this tournament.
- Late registration will begin March 1, 2021 through March 5, 2021, 9:00pm. All persons in boat must be entered in the tournament by 9:00 Pm March 5, 2021. A Limit of 4 persons per boat. Spectators are not allowed in boats during tournament hours.
- 2nd Annual Pesca Tournament shirts will be provided for boat participants that register by February 21, 2021.
- Online registration will be available on Rancho Pisto Pesca Facebook page. For any questions, please feel free to contact us through our Facebook page or call/text phone numbers above.
- Captains meeting is to be announced virtually March 5, 2021 between 6pm and 9pm. Attending is not required. Late registrations will be accepted. Please make contact by calling the phone numbers located above.
- Tournament hours will start March 6, 2021 at 6:30 AM. Check in will not be required. Boats will be allowed to launch from Port Isabel, Port Mansfield, Arroyo City or South Padre Island. We ask that you please respect and observe the honor system. Weigh in will be between 12-3pm.
- Red fish weighed in for the Heaviest Red Fish Division must measure between 21” – 27” (inches).
- Trout weighed in for the heaviest Trout Division must measure between 16” – 25” (inches).
- Flounder weighed in for the Grand Champion must measure between 15” – no limit” (inches).
- Grand Champion will be determined by the heaviest combined weight (Redfish, Trout and Flounder)
- If fish does not measure within the parameters mentioned above during weigh in. Team is subject to disqualification for its category and will not be allowed to present a different fish.
- Fish used for the Heaviest Red division and Heaviest Trout division, Will be allowed to be used for the Captura side pot.
- Red fish weighed in for Captura side pot must measure between 21” – 27” (inches)
- Trout weighed in for Captura side pot must measure between 16” – 25” (inches)
- Founder weighed in for Captura side pot must measure between 15” – no limit” (inches)
- If fish does not measure within the parameters mentioned above during weigh in. Team is subject to disqualification for its category and will not be allowed to present a different fish.
- Heaviest Red fish for the Captura side pot, wins all monies for that division.
- Heaviest Trout for the Captura side pot, wins all monies for that division.
- Heaviest Flunder for the Captura side pot, wins all monies for that division.
- In the event of a weigh tie, the longest fish will prevail.
- All fish must be brought in by boat on to the dock and accompanied by the entire team. Only one person from each team will be allowed off the boat to stand in line. Please follow all CDC guidelines (maintain 6ft from others and wear mask or face covering) Upon surrendering fish, your Boat Number and team name must be provided. You must be in line and within sight of the weigh master or Director by 3:00 PM.
- Participants will be allowed to return for their meals between 12-4pm with full understanding of lobo del mar guidelines. Participants must enter through the front door and will be responsible for their own safety.
- All fish will be subject to inspection by Weigh Master. Fish cannot be altered in any way. All decisions by weigh master are final.
- All fish must be caught by hook and line. Using handheld rods and reels.
- Fishing is restricted to inshore waters of the bay. No gulf fishing.
- Guides may be used at individual’s expense.
- Registration fees are non-refundable.
- In the even that a participant is suspected of cheating, he or she will be subjected to a polygraph test. This decision is at the sole discretion of the Tournament committee or Director. Should the test be failed or if person refuses to participate in the polygraph test, the tournament committee or Director reserves the right to disqualify boat participants and forfeit all winnings. Please remember that this tournament rules are set and enforced so that all participants have a fair shot at all winnings.
- Participants are expected to follow the highest standard of sportsmanship, courtesy and ethics.
- If there should be any dispute of any kind with the decisions of weigh master or Director. Protest will be accompanied by a cash fee of $300 which will be returned only if protest is upheld.
- Participants must obey all Federal, State, and Local laws at all times. Violation of any Federal, State, and/or Local laws will result in the disqualification of you and your team from the tournament.
- Participants of the age of 17 and under will have to be accompanied by an adult.
- Participants in the 2nd Annual Pesca Fishing Tournament will register and participate at their own risk. Rancho Pisto Pesca, its members, weigh master, sponsors, committee members and any and all persons directly or indirectly connected with the operation of the tournament are exempt from liability for loss, damage, negligence, harm and injury suffered by any participant, entrant, sport fisherman, his/her companions, which may occur during the tournament or in going to or coming from the tournament.
- We would like to thank Rancho Pisto Pesca Family, returning participants and you for participating in the 2nd Annual Pesca Tournament

Thank you for all your support and for sharing our content. Get ready to hit the water with our latest apparel online here.

Live Registration Saturday Feb 20th Edinburg, TX
There will be an outdoors registration day set for Saturday February 20th at 5712 E Trenton Rd in Edinburg, TX. There is an open field 5 acres tract where we can safely host a pre registration event. Payment can be made several ways. You can pay online safe and secure by clicking this link here. Cash App and Paypal and cash are other ways to pay as well. You can register straight from your car or enjoy the music and atmosphere for a short time. Teams that register by Feb 21st will receive a tournament shirt with desired size. Teams that enter after the due date will not be able to receive a shirt. We appreciate all you support and see you all soon!