Drink Beer. Live Longer?
Let’s face it. When we think of drinking beer we think of weight gain and beer bellies. But what about its benefits? Yes, we said there are benefits of drinking beer.
Imagine the joy in beer drinkers faces when you tell them what you just read. Especially the buddy your wife is always trying to run out of the house at 3a.m. Well of course, everything in moderation. We don’t want you to go out and get splattered! So, listen up beer belly club. You are in for a treat.
Like wine, beer also helps reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering inflammation in the body.
It also contains dietary silicone with helps in bone health.
Beer also increases and improves the blood flow after drinking a few which reduces the risk of blocking arteries in the heart, neck, and brain.
Basically, studies show beer is good for the body and not to mention the soul. Oh, and its a master at building confidence.
Bottoms up! Salud!