The last thing you want is a hot beer when you are visiting the island right? If you are on vacation or simply visiting, cold beer just makes everything better! Well I wanted to know just what bars served the coldest beer so I grabbed a thermometer from HEB and started my cold beer journey over at Clayton’s Beach Bar. All of these bars are beach and bay side. I plan to do the inside bars next such as Kelly’s, Isla Grand and others next!
The time was around 4 p.m. on a Saturday afternoon.
Another thing to keep in mind is that most of these bars are opening and closing their coolers. We understand that. But, there are some of these bars that put their beer on ice for their customers. In the end, what matters is when they hand that beer over to their customer. A beer should be cold!
So here we go!

Clayton’s beach bar came in serving me a beer that was 39 degrees cold! The angle shows closer to 40 but I actually had two beers here and they both clocked in at 39 degrees. The bar had music playing and their bartenders were fast with good attitudes. Good vibes always make your experience that much better! Good job Clayton’s!

On to the next bar. One of our local favorites The Wanna Wanna beach bar. Now, I have visited this bar many times and well their beer isn’t always the coldest. Most of the time we have our own beer on the beech but when we make a trip to the bar for a shot or maybe another beer we want it cold! So the infamous Wanna Wanna came in at 50 degrees! Although you may think that isn’t much of a difference, it is. Especially, when you have a drink on the beach it gets hot pretty fast! The Wanna has some pretty good food! The shrimp basket is awesome not to mention their Turbos are popular. Just not a turbo guy lol.

The Palms Cafe had the hottest beer of the day. This is the second time I have visited this place. The first time some friends invited me and ordered a beer. The beer was hot that time as well. I took the picture as soon as it was given to me and it stopped right at 60 degrees. We’ll go ahead and say it was 59 degrees. The bar is covered inside which made me think the beer would be colder. We’ve heard good things about the restaurant just simply wish they had colder beer. The ambience is more family oriented. Quiet. Outdoor patio feeling. The bartender seemed ok.

Now this is a pretty cool place to visit if you haven’t yet. This I believe was the old Surf Motel. It has been renovated with a cool atmosphere bar in the back with access to the beach. Cold beer here! I forgot my thermometer in the car so I had to get two beers! But even after I came back with my thermometer this beer still registered 39 degrees! The second beer cam in a t 39 degrees as well. They had music playing and I believe they serve food as well but we have not tried it yet. The bar staff was nice but not talkative.

I’ve always seen the place but always pass on it. The beer was cold! Registering at 38 degrees this was a very enjoyable beer! The view is pretty cool as this is an upstairs bar overlooking the bay. Guess what? This Barr keeps their beer on ice! That could be the key but hold on. There is more to see! Food is served but I have not tried it. Bar staff is good just not too talkative. You don’t get that inviting feeling. Sorry. I tried to go back in the evening to have my friends try some cold beer but didn’t succeed.
Well, they have cold beer!

A popular spot on the bay side of the island is Laguna Bobs. 43 degrees is ok. That is what the thermometer registered their beer. I’ll take it. Not if it was the 50 that Wanna registered but then again, how will you know? Well hopefully now we do. This one came from the bar to the left hand side as they have two bars in this place. The food is good. The atmosphere is nice. One of the busier spots in the area. They normally have a small live band for entertainment. Bar staff is good and attentive.

OK this is one cold beer. I must say a few weeks back having dinner in the upstairs bar about 9 p.m. the beer was very hot. But, lucky for me this was not the case. Louies Back Yard registered a 36 degree beer! This was from the bar downstairs to the right hand side. The bar staff was extremely nice and inviting. The beer was in a bottle and it came from the cooler. That cooler is doing its job!

I didn’t know this place was open during the day. So I went in to see if there beer was different than being there at night. It gets pretty busy at night and well the beer isn’t cold. Tequila’s registered a 40 degree beer! This was around 7:30 p.m.
Well I definitely had a buzz after this little adventure but at least I’ll know where to go for cold beer! Hope it helps you beer drinkers heading to the island this summer. Its blazing hot! Last thing you need is a hot beer. Cheers! Enjoy your summer and remember tell us what you think. Share our stories and visit our store here for the latest outdoor apparel.