Ladies love him and men wanna be him. Boys and girls our very own Chip Harmon has been selected as a professional angler for the Elite Fishing League set to air on national television April 2020. If you havent met Chip you can learn a lot about his history and love for fishing on our podcast RPP Outdoors Showdown.
We set out to Corpus Christi, TX to chat a bit more about this great show that is about to hit the major sport networks soon. Soon you will be able to see Chip on the big screen! Chip is no stranger to the fishing industry as he has been involved heavily since his early teens. Better known as Capt. Pescador Chip has been a part of a lot of well know boat companies and brand embassador, pro staffer, and spokesman for major fishing companies. Currently you can find Chip at the custom boat building company Fat Cat Boat Co. In Flour Bluff, TX.

RPP Outdoor Apparel is a proud sponsor of Capt. Chip Harmon and wish him well in his next venture. We are excited to see Chip kick butt and float that hair on the boat! You can follow Chip on Facebook here at El Pescador Outdoors.