Well I did a thing! I bought myself a pellet grill and man was I wrong about them. Wrong in the way I thought about them being non original or not a real BBQ pit!

I’m a charcoal guy. Turn on the pit, smell the charcoal or mesquite burning while a drink a nice cold beer! Well, you can do the exact same thing here! You definately smell the smoke becasue these pellets aside from looking like rabbit food are actually the real deal!
Acadamy had a sale on this big pellet grill so I jumped on it. I had a few birthday gift cards saved up and instead of buying another freaking ice chest I went for this guy and cooked my very first brisket ever! According to the people that tried it, they said it was pretty dang good! My neighbor actually dubbed me the Brisket King lol. “Take it easy Focker” its only your first brisket so here is how i prepared and cooked it.
First I went to the Louisiana Grills app where they have plenty of recipies and instructuons on how to cook using your specific grill. After that I went to YouTube and got a few pointers. Then, I called the man the myth the legend Okie Salinas, master BBQ and camarada from Aver Que Sale Cooking team to ask if I went fat side up or down. After that I called my brother in law who cokks an ok brisket lol and both him and Okie said fat side down. Well, I went against both of them and went fat side up! According to the Grill Series thats what was recommended, I mean what does a State Champion BBQ cooker know about brisket right? LOL Well, the brisket was already in the pit when I asked, so it stayed that way and let me tell you that trimmed fat that was left dressed the brisket perfectly which was my theory as well to let that fat drio down on the rest of the meat bit what do i know. Here is what I did to prep it.
- Chupacabra Brisket Magic Seasoning, Cattlemans’s Brand Brisket Seasoning
- Pre Trimmed HEB Brisket
- Seasoned and let it sit for 30 Min
- Set Grill at 275* and cook Fat Side Up for 4 hrs
- Wrap the brisket in foil for 1hr and flip
- Flip at the next hour
- Check temp of brisket to meet at least 115*
- Let sit for about 30 min
Not bad for my very fist time. I may change up just a few minor things. I don’t plan to compete really, just to be able to say I can cook a brisket is good for me! I do have to say that this pellet grill has its perks. You have to keep an eye out that the pellets don’t run low or it will turn off on you. It is bluetooth technology so that you can control the temperature from your phone. I have done wings after that and those cam out great!
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