Hooah! Joe Swoboda A US Veterans Life Outdoors
Many retired US Military go into a career such as law enforcement, security, and other similar jobs. Here we get the chance to talk to an avid outdoorsman, family man, and just all around straight up guy Joe Swoboda. We had the opportunity to go out with Joe on several occasions while he trained his hunting dogs. We asked if he would be interested in being our first feature story on our new platform and website RPP Outdoors. Joe gladly accepted and here is what he had to say.
First off thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts ands plans with RPP Outdoors Joe. “Sure thing”
Are you originally from Texas? “No, I was born and raised in Ohio ’till the age of 18. Go Buckeyes!
What made you call south Texas home? “I moved to Brownsville, TX at the age of 18. My father moved there as he was a traveling nurse and wanted to live close to South Padre Island, TX. Life after the military. Tell us about the journey after the service. “I joined the United States Army at the age of 19. I served 12 years. Due to injuries and never being home with my family I chose to exit the military. I always fished and hunted as kid growing up in Ohio and soon after leaving the military I jumped right back into that life. Currently you can either find me with my family, in the field hunting, fishing, or training dogs.”

In Texas hunting, fishing, football and BBQ is what we do. You seem to love a fair amount of that. “I hunt, fish, and cook! I enjoy all of the above!”
Pet Peeves? “People pretending to be who they aren’t.”
Joe’s current status. What you up to now? “Currently, I’m chasing the dream of hunting all over the great state of Texas. Anything from predators to waterfowl. I’m on the bucket list of hunts per say.”
Joe’s next move? “Check some items off of my bucket list and train dogs in my down time. I want to add some more trophies to my wall.”
Anything you want to share with our fans? “Always be true to yourself. Don’t do something because others do it. Do what you love and live your life to the fullest! I have to give a huge thanks to my wife Sofia for always supporting my crazy adventures. Also a big shout out a few of the companies who keep me going in the field and the water!”
We salute the troops and offer our greatest respect to them. Many are fortunate to continue a normal life and others are not. As a token of our appreciation we are launching a discount code to all of our veterans and active military. It is the least we can do.
We want to thank Joe Swoboda for the support and we hope he checks off that entire bucket list! We agree with Joe when he said live life to the fullest. We wish Joe the best of luck on his upcoming ventures. Salud!