Get to Know: Eugenio Milla
Hunting with Dogos Argentinos
by Rodrigo Zamora
“At that moment, we all felt the adrenaline rush through our bodies as we were now all running towards the barks and howls along the tree line.” – Rodrigo Zamora

Early in the morning, on March 30th, 2018, Eugenio Milla and a group of hunters gathered critical equipment and safety gear in preparation for a hog hunt. This special gear would be worn by a team of hunting dogs trained for locating and bringing down feral hogs. These dogs are armored with tough protective vests and collars designed to withstand the bite from a hogs tusks. They are also equipped with a GPS locating device which can be detected for hundreds of yards. Along with protective gear, first aid, and a GPS transmitter, the hunters will also need a weapon to deliver the final blow, and in this case,they have brought a couple of traditional hog hunting knives. A local farmer in the Monte Alto area has a wild pig problem where the pigs are eating many of his watermelons and are able to find cover in the citrus orchards covering an area over hundreds of acres.
This kind of hunt requires a special kind of technique which has been used by man for thousands of years. Once we arrived at the site on the farmland, Eugenio and his crew released the Bay dogs. While we drove down the fence line, we listened for howls and sharp barks indicating the dogs had caught the scent of a pack of hogs. Using the GPS tracking device, we could know exactly where the dogs were and how fast they were moving. Seeing fresh tracks on the ground made it clear we were only minutes behind the pigs.Then we heard the Bay dogs sound the alarm. As they ran through the orchards and brush we had to get off the truck and set free the Dogos Argentinos. At that moment, we all felt the adrenaline rush through our bodies as we were now all running towards the barks and howls along the tree line.
Turning the bend, the Dogos disappeared around the orchards in pursuit of the pigs. After several minutes the Bay dogs and Dogos eventually came back to where we were still excited and full of energy until finding the next scent to pursue.
I asked Mr. Milla a few questions about his dogs to find out more about Dogos Argentinos:
Q- Tell me about the breed, whats special about Dogos Argentinos?
A- The Dogo Argentino is a very special breed because it is composed of the best traits from 13 different breeds. This dog was designed by the Nores Martínez Brothers in Córdoba, Argentina in order to create a predator for the wild boar which is an invasive species.
Q- How long have you been training and hunting with them?
A- For a space of 2 years.
Q- How successful would you say these dogs are at bringing in a kill?
A- The Dogo Argentino is a very effective catch dog, however if you want to have a successful hunt, you will need Bay dogs, which are the ones tracking the pray.
Q- Whats the most memorable experience you’ve had while hunting with the dogs?
A- Every time you go out you’ll experience the rush, but the most memorable experience for me was the first time I dispatched a hog with a knife.
Q- What does it take to raise them?
A- To raise a Dogo you need to provide optimum conditions and nutrition during and after the pregnancy stage. Dogos and other sporting dogs rely on good quality food and care.
Q- Are the dogs dangerous? Why or why not?
A- Dogos are a very loving breed with their master and family, however, they can be dangerous if not educated properly. A Dogo is a very dominant breed, if the master doesn’t show dominance, the dog will take advantage of the situation.
Q- Tell us why you love raising and training the Dogos.
A- The reason I love these dogs is that they make me approach my primitive side, I feel very fortunate of being able to have the experience of the oldest business partnership in the world. Also the fact that they are a Hispanic breed makes me feel proud about the power of our cultures.
I’d like to thank Mr. Milla for taking the time to answer my questions and for sharing his knowledge and experience with RPP. Also, for allowing me to tag along on his intense
hunting trip. It was definitely a memorable one!