Hi everyone, My name is Lora Luna and I would like to share some of my hunting and fishing adventures, tips and trades with you. As a female it is very hard to find good females doing what I do. A predominantly male ran industry so I am here to help change that. Here is one my most memorable hunting trips and I hope you enjoy it as much as it did.
Late November 2018 My hunting buddy Billy and I were hunting in south Texas. As we sat in the blind checking out the scenery we noticed a 10pt buck come out of the brush about 150 yards in front of us. He had not come out on my trail cams before. Billy was being a gentleman, letting me get first dibs if I wanted him. When I looked through my scope all I saw was his swollen neck jiggle as he was shaking his head. That 10pt made my heart skip a beat. He started walking towards me so I put my earplugs in and waited for a shot. He was very skittish going in and out of the brush. He was definitely playing hard to get. After getting me all riled up the buck never gave me a shot. Talk about playing with my emotions!
I was bummed out that he just disappeared into the brush and never came back out. I continued to hunt hard but did not see that 10pt so I just assumed he was the one that got away. December 23, 2018 started off foggy and cool. We laid out the yellow brick road (apple scented corn) with the tailgate feeder on the senderos. That morning was so dead it was a ghost town. I was bored so I took a pic with my phone of the foggy empty sendero. I aint going to lie I was frustrated and said this is BS and was just about to call the morning hunt when a doe hauled tail my way. She stopped in her tracks for a quick snack and then came in the 10pt that went M.I.A. on me. She must have been hot cause he did not waste any time mounting Ms Thang. Once I realized who he was my whole mind frame changed. I wasn’t going to let him get away this time! At that point I was so focused that nothing else in the world mattered. I prayed for a clean kill shot, put my earplugs in, took the safety off my browning .260 and waited. A young buck shows up so the 10pt gets down to flex his muscle and scare junior off. I thought that would be a great opportunity for me to take advantage of but boy was I wrong. Ol’ boy jumped back up on that doe so quick I thought he flew! Well, I guess he cramped up and had to walk it off cause a few minutes later he takes a break so I eagerly wait for him to turn broadside. Of course he was playing hard to get walking in and out of the brush. Wouldn’t you know he mounted that same doe four times and by the fourth time I said screw it Im gunna take him out right now while he’s preoccupied. Im sure that’s how he would want to go out anyway. My hunting buddy said you better let that man finish! I decided to show him some respect and let him finish doing his thang.

It was a train wreck I didn’t want to watch them get it on but I had to be ready to take my shot. Mr Batting 4000 finally gets done for real this time and starts to wobble away across the sendero slowly and my crosshairs were on his boilermaker. I prefer heart shots so I don’t have to do much tracking. I felt confident in my shot so I took it. All I saw were his legs come up from under him. He did not make it far at all. I was so excited and grateful to harvest a beautiful buck. As I waited for him to expire I laughed at the fact that I got dinner and a show from a 10pt rockstar. Pulling the trigger is the easy part then the work began. I skinned and quartered him out as soon as possible because it warmed up quick that day.

I age my meat so that it doesn’t taste gamey. I also grind and package it all myself. It’s a labor of love but I have peace of mind knowing that the meat I eat and donate is 100% clean and delicious. Im excited to see what this season has in store for me.

Thank you for reading. -Lora Luna “The Huntress”“Introduce a kid to the outdoors”
We would like to thank Lora for sharing her story with us. Send us your adventures at rppoutdoors@gmail.com