With the new fishing season comes new products, and what better way to begin than to introduce a new product that I know will change the way we fish. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you Marker 54. Marker 54 has released its new Flex Shrimp and it has been taking off like wildfire. The new Flex Shrimp comes in several colors and two sizes: 3 inches and 4 inches, the unique part of the shrimp is the flex segmented body and when you cast it, it will land on its feet every time. Marker 54 spent 18 months developing this shrimp before releasing it to the public, which is a good thing because now they have developed an outstanding bait that is unlike any other artificial shrimp. The flex segmented body is held together by Kevlar and is what gives it it’s action. So, it makes it almost bulletproof with the Kevlar strip holding it together.
“With the first cast, I let it settle to the bottom and did 2 little pops with the rod tip and reeled in the slack. I did 2 more pops and then WHAM! Everyone who ties one on says the same thing, It catches fish!” – Sir Edward Thomas
The Flex shrimp comes packaged in a clear box and when you take it out you
will notice two tie points on the shrimp, one toward the back of the shrimp and one
toward the front. The back point will allow you to pop the shrimp and cause it to
swim backward and fall forward mimicking a real shrimp, and the front point will
allow the shrimp to pop forward and glide to the front. Another thing you will notice
is the hook is designed to cup next to the body which makes it snag less and helps
with that pesky floating grass.
When I tried the shrimp I was skeptical at the performance of the hook because
I’m used to the standard big treble hooks. But much to my surprise, it
performed flawlessly.

I recently took a charter with Captain Elliot Rodriguez of SPI and we went out for a quick trip to one of the Guts near the Brownsville ship channel and we powered down near the mouth of the gut and dropped the power pole. We started to free line some live shrimp and we did very well until the bite turned off. Then we tied on the Marker 54 Flex shrimp and with the first cast, I let it settle to the bottom and did 2 little pops with the rod tip and reeled in the slack. I did 2 more pops and then WHAM! I got hooked up and the fight was on! It was like that till we limited out, but in all, we hooked up with about 20 trout that day and 10 skipjacks. The lure was so amazing and we had such a blast that we forgot that we had a bucket of live shrimp and we ended up having to take it home and made some shrimp tacos of course!
Once you see the action of the shrimp you will become a believer, everyone who ties one on says the same thing, “It catches fish”. I look forward to using the rest of their products like the gliding shrimp, sand eels, jerk shrimp, and swimming spooks. If you would like more information on the New Flex Shrimp by Marker 54 please look them up on Facebook or YouTube and you can see the full line of products at www.marker54.com. You can also find them at Hook Line & Sinker in Harlingen or Full Stringer in McAllen.
Tell Joshua Morris I sent you, or contact me if you would like to carry them in your store. Again, thank you so much for staying with me on this review. Feel free to contact me via email if you’re interested in product testing or would like for me to review something that you’ve had your eye on. Reach me at Siredwardavelar205@gmail.com or look up my Facebook page at Taco TV.
P.S.- I would like to thank Joshua Morris of Marker 54 for allowing us to review his wonderful Lure.
– Sir Edward Thomas
“Taco Ed”