After long thoughts on whether or not to visit the beach we decided to go ahead and go. The kids were excited about it. Even though all the excitement was floating around I had only one thought on my mind, the corona virus. I don’t think I am alone in my thoughts well at least I thought. It seems a lot of people are shifting their way of thinking. To me there is only two explanations. One is people and not just from the RGV but from everywhere are saying let’s just do this. Get out and enjoy life. The virus is here there and everywhere. The other explanation may be lets go but we must be careful.
The Way There..
On our way to the beach, as we were approaching Port Isabel, TX, I could not believe the amount of cars that formed the line. At first I thought there was a car accident, a road block, or light signals gone off. But no, the line of cars was full of us people headed to the beach. Well at least the majority of the line was. This was the first sign I saw telling me this was going to be a packed day at the beach.
Padre Boulevard..
Driving down Padre Boulevard you cant help but see what is around you. What people are doing and enjoying is something we all do as we cruise by the beautiful street. Rental golf carts were all around. People walking down the sidewalks were enjoying the sun and the atmosphere. Souvenir stores were open and people were walking out with smiles holding there families by the hand.
The Hotels..
What I could not believe but was expected given the amount of cars that we saw crossing the Queen Isabella bridge, was that the hotels were packed to the max. The parking lots were all full. We had originally planned to go for the day and drive back home. The plan behind that was that way we would not have to check in anywhere. The day got later for us and we not able to leave home until around 3:30pm so I decided to call and book a room for the night thinking Thursday would not be that bad as far as capacity.
Hotel Sanitization and Cleanliness & Rooms
Approaching the front desk to check in, the reception area has the glass that you see often protecting the employee and yourself. That was good to see. Getting to our room our door was open as if it was just sanitized. You can smell the scent in the air. I was lucky to have met one of the cleaning ladies and she said “We clean everything. From handles to floors to tables. More than usual due to the corona virus.” She kindly reminded me that from here on out to remember to keep your hands clean and have a great stay. That was a good feeling. We still brought all our equipment to disinfect and gave it another run haha. You just never know. But then again that is us. Some may just be satisfied on what the hotel provides.
The Pool
The swimming pool was nice and very spacious. Two areas for kids to enjoy and two hot tub areas. People seemed to keep their distance. There were kids playing in the pool throwing the football around which then brought around 5-6 kids to battle for the ball. Again, you ask yourself, is that safe? But then again they are kids. This is something everyone as a family decides. What is safe or not. We can be handed a list of rules of what to do and not to do and yet still people will do as they please.
The Beach..
Getting to the sand was quick and easy as the hotel had beach access. The umbrella and chairs we available and quickly the employee approached to charge $15 to use them. He did mention they clean and sanitize the chairs in the morning to start the day. The water was nice and fresh. Not to warm or too cold. This was the most enjoyable part of the day as the kids ran in the sand and enjoyed the water so much. People for the most part are separate from each other. After some cold beers and chips the kids were ready to go back. It was safe and relaxing to be out there even if it was for a short period of time.
Face Masks..
Ok. So this is where I told myself people are just living life. Back to what I said at the beginning of this blog, you don’t know what to think. In a nutshell, hardly anyone was wearing a mask. From the check-in area at the hotel to the beach to padre blvd. If you are walking the streets I don’t think you need a mask. I would though like to have seem people at the hotel with masks on. Im talking kids, adults, and seniors. The staff did have masks. I don’t believe it is mandatory. People walking out of the souvenir stores were not wearing masks.
We are very lucky to have the ocean so close to us and enjoy what nature has given us. We are living in a time of uncertainty. I understand why people, myself included want to flock to the beach. The point of this blog was to just be careful when you go out. This is what I saw and experienced. You don’t have to believe what I write nor does this log hold anything against anyone. I hope and pray that one day things can go back to normal. But even when it does we should still practice what we have learned in sanitizing. Thank you for reading and hope you keep enjoying the outdoors safely. Salud! – AGO.