250,000 Alligators is crazy! When I asked Mason, a volunteer at the SPI Birding Nature & Alligator Sanctuary if we had alligators here in our home area I couldn’t believe my ears!

Story Telling
For years I have been telling stories to my nephews of alligators roaming the area of South Padre Island areas when you start the long road of Highway 100. There are areas that hold water and looks like the perfect home for alligators so I would tell my nephews and daughter scary stories of how alligators would eat peoples legs and ate the Sandia (Watermelon) man that would sell them off the side of the road. Since the man wasn’t there anymore the look in their eyes was priceless lol. We later saw the Sandia (Watermelon) man again and well I had to change my make belief stories.

A person or thing or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance. That is what Sanctuary is holding nuisance alligators. In our Youtube video of our recent trip there, Mason explains the process of obtaining these beautiful alligators. Make sure to leave your comments or suggestions.

Nonprofit Organization
The birding nature and alligator sanctuary is a nonprofit organization. They welcome help and volunteers with a link that can be found in their Facebook page.

Food Donations
I was told that the organization takes in food donations. Anything from frozen meat that may have no need anymore or other meat that is about to go bad. This food is later given to the alligators and is a huge help for the sanctuary as this has slowed down. There number is 956 – 761-6801 for any questions.

Feeding Alligators Is Illegal
There is a hefty fine if you are caught feeding these bad boys. If we are not mistaken it is around $1,500 per foot of alligator. The best thing to do if you encounter an alligator is to contact the Texas Parks & Wildlife. Here is a good link to read on the safety and precautions with alligators.
Information and Address
The South Padre Island Birding Nature & Alligator Sanctuary is located at 6801 Padre Blvd South Padre Island, TX 78597. Website information is here WWW.SPIBIRDING.COM.
Our Trip Sponsor
This trip was made possible by the law office of Ryan Solis. Mr Solis is at your service for any of your personal injury needs.